Oceania Postal Codes

Country Postal Code Name Format Dialing Code ISO
Australia AU Postcode 0000 +61 AUS
Papua New Guinea PG Postal code 000 +675 PNG
New Zealand NZ Postal code 0000 +64 NZL
Fiji FJ - - +679 FJI
Solomon Islands SB - - +677 SLB
French Polynesia PF Code postal 00000 +689 PYF
Vanuatu VU - - +678 VUT
New Caledonia NC Code postal 00000 +687 NCL
Samoa WS Post code WS0000 +685 WSM
Guam GU ZIP code 00000 +1-671 GUM
Tonga TO - - +676 TON
Micronesia FM ZIP code 00000 +691 FSM
Kiribati KI - - +686 KIR
Marshall Islands MH ZIP code 00000 +692 MHL
American Samoa AS ZIP code 06700 +1-684 ASM
Northern Mariana Islands MP ZIP code 00000 +1-670 MNP
Cook Islands CK - - +682 COK
Palau PW ZIP code 06040 +680 PLW
Wallis and Futuna WF Code postal 00000 +681 WLF
Tuvalu TV - - +688 TUV
Nauru NR - - +674 NRU
Niue NU Postal code 0074 +683 NIU
Norfolk Island NF Postcode 2899 +672 NFK
Tokelau TK - - +690 TKL
Minor Outlying Islands UM ZIP code 00000 +246 UMI
Pitcairn Islands PN Postcode PCRN 1ZZ +64 PCN